Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

What I'm Reading  I just finished a beautifully written book I received from NetGalley called A Bird with the Heart of a Mountain by Barbara Mariconda.  My review is here.  I'm also still reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
What I'm Writing  I'm revising Slumber.  I think I will be for a long while yet. I did make some progress this week though!  I even submitted my first page to the Writers Helping Writers Amazing Race and received some helpful feed back!  If you haven't checked it out yet I would highly recommend it.
What Inspires Me Right Now  This week I am inspired by the gigantic jar of coconut oil that is sitting in my pantry.  I love coconut oil and I've always had a small jar so a big one is full of so many tasty possibilities. 
What Else I've Been Up To  I don't even know.  I feel like I spend my life grocery shopping.  My children eat a ton!!!  When I'm not shopping I'm washing laundry or dishes.  Such is life, I suppose.  I'm still in the process of cleaning out and simplifying our home.  Its sort of like revising.  There is no end in sight...  but making progress is very satisfying. 

What have you been up to?


  1. I know you can use coconut milk in Indian food, but what do you use coconut oil for? Just as a flavoring? And as for laundry and dishes, Lord willing, as your children get older you'll find yourself doing less. My four oldest kids all know how to use the washing machine, so they are responsible for their own laundry. And each of them does dishwasher duty every day. We're probably not nearly as hard on them about chores as we ought to be, but this much at least helps take some of the pressure off of us parents. :) I hope you have a productive week, Sarah!

    1. I use it to replace butter or vegetable oil in a lot of recipes. It is healthy and tastes wonderful.
      I love the thought that my kids will be big enough to help someday :) They are learning to pick up and clear the table and a few things. I think that my oldest one might be ready to take on something a bit more challenging but I'm sure that he wouldn't agree!

  2. I feel like all I do is cook and clean too! I was taking the sheets off my bed this morning and feeling like a maid when I remembered that a hundred years ago all women did was cook and clean all day long (if they weren't rich, that is). Thank goodness for modern conveniences!
    My sister puts coconut oil around her eyes at night. She loves it!

    1. I can't imagine how tired I'd be if I didn't have any modern conveniences!
      I haven't tried it around my eyes yet but it does make a nice lotion. I usually use it to replace other oils in recipes. It is delicious.

  3. I am always astonished at how much children eat. Where do they put it all?

    Best of luck with your revisions! Thanks for the link, too. That does sound helpful ^_^

    Isn't coconut oil really good for hair?

    Have an awesome week :D

    1. I don't know! My kids eat SO much and they are still little. I don't know what I'll do when they are teens...
      Yes, coconut oil is good as a conditioner and taking it internally is amazing for hair and skin. It is also great instead of butter or other oils in recipes, just a bit trickier as it solidifies when it is cool.

  4. It's hard for mom to remember all she does, isn't it? Enjoy the coconut oil!

  5. Did you get the giant coconut oil from Costco? I still had some left in a small jar but couldn't pass up the deal since I'd never seen the product at Costco before. It's always funny to get Costco stuff home and realize just how huge they are.

    1. No, I wish that we had a Costco here but the nearest one is hours away. I ordered mine from Vitacost. It completely dwarfs my old jar :)
