Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sick Kids Blues

  It is definitely one of "those" days.  One of the days where you have to clean at top speed to keep from going crazy because you have been stuck inside with sick (and crabby) children for DAYS.  While my older two children feel horrible and aren't up to doing much, my one year old feels awesome and is terrorizing his siblings.  He is so cute running around and tackling them, a huge, slobbery (can you say teething?) grin on his face.  Fortunately he loves helping me clean.  He and I have tackled the front closet, organized the movies and cleaned the front entryway.  Of course a few of the movies vanished but over all we made a pretty good team.  I am sure that the movies will show up in some fascinating location.  I did manage to make a stack of things to give away.  I even hid it before my cleaning partner found it and scattered it all about!  While it may be a stuck in doors, I want out sort of day, at least I am a tiny bit closer to the simply, organized life style that I so desperately crave.

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