Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book Review - "Nothing to Hide" by J.Mark Bertrand

 " What do you say to a fallen partner?  What do you say to a man you started off despising and came to grudgingly respect, whose death is on your conscience and whole absence you're only beginning to feel?" 
  Detective Roland March is a complex character who is trying to put together the  pieces of a grisly murder case.  A man is dead.  His head is missing and his finger seems to be pointing at something, but what?  The deeper he digs, the more dangerous and confusing the investigation becomes. While analyzing the clues Roland finds himself reflecting on his past which forces him to not only work through  the current case but through buried issues from his past.
    "Nothing to Hide" by J. Mark Bertrand is a suspense story that ties in present with the past in a fresh and exciting way.  Its plot twists and turns until it reaches an end that I did not see coming.  I have not read very many police suspense stories and I must admit that this was not my favorite read.  Some of this is probably because this book is part of a series and I kept feeling like I was missing something, which I probably was.  I am guessing that this book is geared more towards middle aged men then it is to young moms, like myself.
  Despite it not being my favorite, it was well written and I very much enjoyed the conclusion. The characters were deep, even the secondary ones.  I also thought it tied in deep spiritual questions in a thought provoking manner. 

I recieved a free copy of this book for review from Bethany House publishing.

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