Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pizza, Vegatables and New Goals

        Today was a busy but relaxing sort of day.  It began with the normal early morning madness that happens when you have three energetic children, a  hungry puppy that is learning not to bark in the house, and a husband that works swing shift which causes him to need peace and quiet so he can sleep for a few more hours.  I survived!  I even made it to my daughter's homeschool ballet class (with 3 fed and dressed children!) and a lunch time play date.  My eldest son was a bit disturbed that I brought a bag of school books with us on our adventures but that is the only way I could fit in all that needed done today.  We topped the day off with pizza, more friends and a trip to pick up our organic produce order.
       I am happy that we made it through our busy day and I am even more pleased that it has left me feeling calm and ready to write.  So often I feel drained at the end of the day.  It is so hard to be motivated when your body and brain are screaming for sleep.  When I lack motivation I end up going to bed without accomplishing the extra things I want to do,  primarily my writing.   I have made a few goals that I hope are attainable and won't leave me feeling like I'm failing.

My writing goals for February are:
  • to map out my plot and characters for the YA novel I am working on (I thought I was a panster but I am very much not...)
  • write 500 words a day (whether that be on my current novel or a short story for a magazine) 

  • finally, to blog about it or the random things that happen while I am working on it. 
This isn't a far step from what I have been doing but now it is official!   Let the writing begin!


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