" The Messenger" by Siri Mitchell is a Christian historical novel set during the revolutionary war. It follows Hannah Sunderland who is a devout Quaker and Jeremiah Jones, a colonial spy who feels he has nothing to live for. The story alternates points of view between these two central characters as their paths meet and they both become involved in aiding a group of patriot prisoners.
I thought that the way the story explored the historic setting through the eyes of two such different characters to be fascinating. I must admit, however, that I found the first half of the book a bit difficult to get into. By the end I was completely caught up in both the plot and the characters. The spiritual growth that takes place in the story was slow to unfold and I felt it was rather incomplete but at the same time it was thought provoking. I found Hannah's honesty and desire to do the right thing no matter what the circumstances to be very encouraging. By the time I finished the novel I had a renewed interest in colonial America and a much deeper understanding of the Quaker faith. Overall I would say that I enjoyed this book very much.
I received a review copy of this book for free from Bethany House publishing.
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