Friday, August 16, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things

  It's time for Viclit's Celebrate the Small Things!

  This week I am celebrating that I have come up with solutions to three of the six "plot holes" I discovered in my WIP.  These weren't small inconsistencies either.  They were big enough to get lost in and never be seen again.  I am very pleased with the way the story is unfolding and I can't wait to get the big problems out of the way so I can start polishing instead of mending ( or filling...).
  Oh and I'm also celebrating all of the blog awards my readers have been so kind to give me.  I haven't had time to celebrate them properly but I want you all to know that I appreciated every one of them and thank you for thinking of me!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Just keep mastering the WIP and get to the awards when the time is right. Congrats Sarah.

    1. Thanks, its hard to keep up on everything, so I try to prioritize...

  2. Congratulations on your story mending. It's much better to find the problems now than later. Congratulations on your blogging awards and have a nice weekend.

  3. Congrats on the awards and conquering your WIP!!

  4. Plugging in those disturbing holes is so satisfying. Congrats! And I know about those awards. I've got to do a post soon on them.

    ps I had emailed you your Amazon gift card from my blog tour giveaway. I hope you got it okay. Let me know.


    1. It is satisfying!
      Did you send it to my yahoo account? I've been looking and I checked my spam just in case but I haven't haven't gotten it...

    2. Looking at my past Amazon orders, for some reason it didn't process. I'll do it again tomorrow. Let me know if you don't get it my tomorrow evening. Writer’s Mark

  5. Sounds like you are making lots of progress, congratulations. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully I will have a complete, revised work soon!

  6. Hurrah to finding a solution! :)

  7. Finding solutions to plot holes is HUGE, yay!!!!
    Sorry I'm late in commenting but at least I made it, right? lol

    Enjoy the rest of your week :D
