Wednesday, March 5, 2014

IWSG and What's Up Wednesday

I am in shock that it is March already.  I started March with great intentions when it came to my writing.  I made some progress but for the most part I felt guilty because the rest of life got the greater share of my time.  Even the time I spent writing felt cluttered by to many unrelated thoughts.  The more I struggle the more I feel like a fraud.  How can I be a writer if I struggle with something so basic as finding time?     I can do it by not giving up.  By realizing that I can't do everything and figuring out what I'm willing to sacrifice to make time for what matters most to me.  Most of all I can refuse to feel guilty for what I can not accomplish.  Maybe someday I can balance volunteering in other areas with writing and homeschooling but right now I can't and I'm going to have to be ok with that.

What I'm Reading
  I've been book hopping this week. I read a bit from this and a bit from that.  I'm still reading Allegiant by Veroncia Roth. I finished Say Goodbye to Survival Mode which was amazing and helped me realize that I'm trying to juggle to many things and its ok that I can't.  I'm currently reading Third Daughter by Susan Kay Quinn.  I'm loving it!  I knew I would... Steampunk Bollywood? What's not to like?

What I'm Writing
  I did a bit of drafting on my WIP and played around with some flash fiction.
What Inspires me Right Now

I've been getting tons of inspiration from Saying Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine.  Now that I finished the book I'm going to work through the sections, applying her advice where I can. 

What Else I've Been Up To 
Homeschooling, life, reading, writing and I finally found the perfect button for the Kindle case I made! 


  1. I love the kindle case and THIRD DAUGHTER sounds interesting!

  2. Very cool Kindle case! I've been meaning to make myself a Kindle case for a while.

    And I am totally with you on the "WTF it's March already?!!" and trying to juggle far to many things at once. It's hard to make time for writing sometimes, though making time to binge watch Netflix...not a problem at all. ;) I'm resolving to do better.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I've wanted to make one for awhile. Once I sat down to start it went pretty fast. I think I was done in less than two episodes of Doctor Who :)
      Why is Netflix so addictive? I seem to have time for that too... weird how it fits itself in while the things I want to do don't.

  3. Balance is a hard thing to find. For me if I do a bit of everything each day I feel like I've accomplished something. I'm also super organized with my days so I make sure I find the time for everything. Of course, when I don't, I totally feel like a failure, but there's always tomorrow!

    1. I am working on my organization. I've never been very good at it but it sure makes life go smoother.

  4. ...Did you just say STEAMPUNK BOLLYWOOD?! GIMMIE!!!! That sounds amazing. Thanks for the recommendation :D

    I think we all struggle for time. That's life. You're right - you've just got to keep trying and never give up.

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Yes! I did! It was a great, couldn't put down sort of book.
      I hope that you have a great week too :)

  5. That's a very nice Kindle case, and i'm going to have to check out that book - i feel like i've been in survival mode for years!

    1. I loved it and want to work through all the exercises after the chapters.

  6. I really enjoyed Third Daughter! I can't believe it's March already, either - February's so short, it's sneaky! Finding time to write is a challenge a lot of writers face, but it's important not to beat yourself up about it if you aren't making as much progress as you'd like. Best thing to do is celebrate the progress you have made! :)

    1. It is a great book!
      Celebrate the progress. I like that!

  7. I can't believe it's March either. Crazy. This year is going by fast. Good luck with your WIP. Have a great weekend!

    1. It is. I hope I can manage to enjoy it as it races by.
      I hope you have a great weekend too!

  8. I totally just bought a copy of THIRD DAUGHTER. It sounds fantastic! And very unique too.
    I think a lot of us have a tendency to try to juggle too many things at once. It's hard to know sometimes what to let go and what to hang onto. The biggest thing, like Emma mentions, is to cut ourselves some slack when we're not as successful as we'd like at squeezing in some writing time. (Or time for other things that need to be squeezed in.) It's nice to know I'm not alone on this front. Have a wonderful week, Sarah!

    1. I hope that you enjoy it! I loved the steampunk adventure/romance/bollywood combo. So much fun.
      Yes, you guys are right about cutting some slack. Its hard to do though...
      I hope that you have a great week too!

  9. The kindle case is so fashionable and cute. If it had cheeks I would squeeze it. Not that I squeeze actual people's cheeks. That's wrong. I have had trouble finding time to write as well so it's not just you Sarah. Keep looking up.

    1. Thank you!!! I am very glad that your not an actual cheek squeezer. I met one of those once... Scary lol. Its good to know that I'm not alone in my struggles. Have an awesome weekend!

  10. Wow. You're crafty! That case (and button) is cute!

    I'm struggling with time issues, too. It'll get better in May. I just have to make it to release day. Gah!

    IWSG #268 (until Alex culls the list again or I goof and get myself deleted. :P)

    1. Thank you! It was so fun to make.
      Release day! How exciting! You can make it!!!

  11. Oh I hear you. I was sick most of the winter, as in hospital and bed and just kinda watched life pass me by. Totally terrible. Now that I'm coming into the light (squinting) I need to do some serious re-arranging of my priorities. As you can see by how late I am getting got away from me, as most of them do. I home-schooled for 1.5 miserable years. My blog about died. Best of luck to you with all that you're trying to accomplish!
    Tina @ Life is Good
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
    Co-hosting the IWSG

    1. I'm really trying to get my priorities on track. It is so hard! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Sometimes I think well-intentioned writing advice backfires. Encouragement to writers that they should be writing as often as possible if they really are writers, or if they really want to succeed, can translate to huge pressure, or feelings of inadequacy when applied to people who are already over-burdened with responsibility. We have 6 kids, we homeschool, and I work a full-time job. I completely understand where you're coming from, Sarah. We too have family and church commitments that must take a priority if we are to honor God and His call to us to love Him and those He puts in our charge. Writing must find a place within this, not be something that supplants these things. Sometimes that means we find time to write for hours; sometimes we're grabbing a few minutes, or there just isn't time. Don't feel guilty. You do with your gifts the best you can--you can do no more. Some people are able to write for hours every day. That's not your situation, and that doesn't make you any less of a writer. Stephen King has written over 50 novels. Harper Lee has written one. But I'd take TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD over the entirety of King's published works any day. :)

    Be encouraged! And have a blessed, and awesome week. :)

    1. You always write the most encouraging replies!
      That's one thing that most writing advice leaves out. Following God's call. Its so easy to feel like writing has to be all encompassing and since I believe that my family is my main priority I get sucked into thinking that somehow I can give all my time to my family and still have enough left to give all my time to writing (which means I think I can give all my time twice... hmm), which doesn't work and leads to a burnt out, grumpy person.
      I didn't realize that Harper Lee only wrote one novel. No one every doubts that he's a writer. Very encouraging. Thanks again!

  13. Finding time - it's amazing how challenging that can be! There's so much to do in a day ... I've been trying to relax about it. When I stress about not getting enough time, it never helps my writing. It's only when I chill out, take advantage of the moments I do get, that the real writing happens. I hope this week goes well for you! :)

  14. It's so easy to feel guilty when you write with other obligations in your life, but there are times when you have to do something for yourself and that something for me is writing. I admire you for homeschooling, I don't think I'd ever have the patience to it!

  15. It's hard to juggle the things we juggle and still make time to write. But just be easy on yourself, and keep on going.

    I finished reading Allegiant awhile ago. So I'm going to cover my mouth and not give away any spoilers!
