Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

It's time for What's Up Wednesday!

   I was reading A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray (have you seen it's cover? Stunning!) but then my copy of I Was Here by Gayle Forman arrived at my doorstep. So now I'm switching between the two. Gayle Forman has a writing style that I just can't get enough of. If only I could write characters a fraction as good as hers!
   My kid's and I are on day 25 of our 100 day reading streak. We are about to finish up The Water Horse by Dick King-Smith. I'm having trouble finding it each morning (we read at breakfast) because my three year old loves it's "dinosaur" cover so much. It is often tucked in the covers of his bed. 


  I'm about half way through the deep POV class I'm taking online so everything I've written for the past few weeks has been for that. It's been amazing getting feedback and learning to analyze other peoples work so that I can give insightful feedback as well. 

My goal this week is to carve out more time for my homework so that I can really dig into it and get the most from the lessons. 


 The structure of the class has been very motivating to me. I've been writing daily and actually sharing my work, which is hard for me. I need to figure out how to keep this momentum when the class is over.


I recently discovered London Fog (Earl Grey Latte). It is SO good. I've always loved Earl Grey but this is sublime. I still need to perfect making them. Mine aren't as good as the ones from the coffee shop. I want to get some lavender to add in with the vanilla. 


  1. I really enjoyed A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU - the cover really is beautiful!

    Glad to hear your class is inspiring you! Have a great week :)

    1. It's pretty enough to hang on a wall :)
      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Ooh, that deep POV class sounds fantastic. Where are you taking it through? I'm marking THE WATER HORSE as one to read with my daughter -- sounds lovely. We just started ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS, which is a reread for me, I *adore* that book! Have an awesome week, Sarah!

    1. I'm taking it through Jordan Mccollum
      I love Island of the Blue Dolphins!!!

  3. The class sounds brilliant. Enjoy!

  4. The class sounds good and I'm glad it's helping. I've only read one of Gayle Forman's books IF I STAY, so I can't wait to read more from her.

    Btw, earl grey latte?! I need to try that.

    1. I love Gayle Forman! I finished her latest book and I must say that it was very dark and sad. Beautiful, but a tough read.

  5. I still need to read my copy of A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU. I'm so in love with that cover. Too many awesome books to read, though! That class you're taking sounds great. I can see how it would be super helpful.

    And I've always been a huge fan of the London Fog. It's all about the right Earl Grey tea, I've found. The Tazo Earl Grey is especially good, and it's what Starbucks (up here, anyway) used for a really long time. It has just the right amount of bergamot in it. I also do a variation on the drink with regular black tea and coconut syrup. That is especially yummy as well. Hope you have a wonderful week, Sarah! :D

    1. I know! To many books! I wish I had time to read them all...
      I'll have to try Tazo Earl Grey. I have some from Equal Exchange and it's good but rather strong. I love the black tea and coconut syrup idea :)

  6. Sarah, i love how you are instilling a love of reading into your kids!

  7. Mmm, London Fogs are so good! I'm a huge fan of all things Earl Grey, Cream Earl Grey being my favourite. If you haven't tried it, you definitely should!

    Your writing class sounds awesome! Glad to hear you're getting so much out of it! Best of luck with the homework this week! :)

    1. I haven't even heard of Cream Earl Grey. I'll have to remedy that!

  8. It's great when a class can keep you motivated. Awesome! I hope you enjoy writing this week.

    My What's Up Wednesday post.
