Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is for Education and Eggs

 Education is always on my mind. Even if I didn't homeschool my three children I think I would still be seeking teachable moments and weaving literature into their lives. That's one of the reasons that I do teach them at home. I love watching them learn. I love introducing them to my favorite books and teaching them to read them for themselves. I also love the flexibility. Yesterday was warm and gorgeous so we finished up what had to be done at the house and spent the rest of the day playing in the bay. What could be more educational than chasing hermit crabs, watching sea birds catch fish, and digging in the sand to discover the layers of color that the tide washed in? I love that my kids can identify several types of crabs and shells (except for the two year old who is convinced that hermit crabs are monsters that live in shells).
  Whether you homeschool or not I think that having an educational mindset is vital to helping our kids love learning and discovering.  We are surrounded by nature, culture, weather, words and so much more wherever we go. Its easy to ignore it but by just taking a moment or two we can weave learning in everywhere, in everything.

  Speaking of learning, my seven year old has been writing stories and he wanted to write one for the A-Z challenge.

The Silly Egg
"Hi. I am Mr. Egg.
I am a clown.
I like to go to the store to buy eggs to eat.
I love Mr. Corn. He is my best friend.
Well by-by, ta-ta for now."
The End

Why does Mr. Egg like Mr. Corn? 
Because he looks like gold!

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. That is awesome your son is writing. I have always tried to be a force in my children's education. I taught both of them to read before they ever went to school and am proud of that.

  2. Love this! My kids were home schooled for many years. It allows you to keep alive in them the love of learning which the strict classroom structure so often seems to kill.

    Tell your son i love his story!

    1. Keeping the love of learning alive is one of my big reasons for homeschooling ( I have several).
      My son is so happy his story got some comments.

  3. Kids are always watching. Such a cute story, definitely another creative one in the family Sarah.

  4. It's not only wonderful seeing your kids learn, but also seeing how they grow with the education you give them. When my oldest reads novels and writes stories, I remember her sitting with me, my wife, and Sesame Street alphabet books when she was little. And I remember when my 18-year-old linguaphile, voracious learner of a daughter would sit in the back of the car singing along while my oldest taught her the A-B-C song. Teaching the kids is not always easy, and they are too often lazy and uninterested--but memories like this help you persevere.

    Your son has a wonderful imagination. He's blessed to have a mom that nurtures and encourages it. :)

    1. We certainly have our "lazy and uninterested" moments. I love the memories that you shared. The good times do help make it easier to keep going.

  5. Great post! I love your son's poem/story!

  6. Wow, homeschooling sounds like a life adventure. I have friends who do it and it amazes me. I think you really have to have the right mindset and temperment to do that.

    1. Adventure is an excellent word for it. It is never dull, that's for sure!

  7. sweet! I love The Silly Egg.

    I have a sister who's 11 years younger than me, and by the time she was 5, we were having entire conversations in rhyme. I taught her a word a day from the time she could talk until she was eight or nine, so I know what you mean about watching them learn. Doing similar things with my grandson now, but he's a different sort of kid, so we play different sorts of games.

    My sister's my blogging partner now - she has her own, and we work together on the social media.

    Very nice post.

    Best of luck with the challenge!

    1. I have a sister that's 11 years younger than me too!
      I love that you taught her a word a day.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I could not agree more with your "Education" post today! FYI, I homeschooled my 2 sons for several years (there came a point, as I became a single mom, when I had to throw in the towel in that - ah well). The thoughts you articulate here are so right-on! My sons are now all grown up and advance-degreed and all...

    And thanks to your son, as well, for his egg story - love it!

    I'm so glad to have discovered your blog - thanks for commenting on my blog and prompting me to come visit you. I'll be back for more! [Another FYI: I'm the younger of two 11-year-apart sisters-!]


  9. It's wonderful that your children can learn hands-on. That is why homeschooling is unique, kids can explore and observe and not be confined to an indoor classroom. Kudos to you for teaching your children all that nature has to offer. Tania

  10. Aww... Thank you to the both of you for a fun egg story!

  11. That story is better than some I've read by adults, LOL! I love it, and a good education is sooooo important. Looks like your kids are very well educated. :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — E is for 'Elementary' (and Elephants)
