Tuesday, April 1, 2014

WUW, IWSG and B is for Busy,

Nope, I'm not busy. Ever. You can tell by the way that this post is only serving to keep up with three different blog hops. I'm sure that you are never busy either. Just in case you do find yourself busy (you know, chasing kids, working 12+ hour days, writing novels, doing heaping mounds of laundry, that sort of thing) don't forget to breathe. Slowing down for even a moment to feel the breeze, smell the scent of clean laundry, listen to your child laugh, anything that brings you joy, is worth it. These little moments add up so when the day is over you have something worthy of remembering it by.

What I'm Reading Its been a slow reading week for me. I made decent progress on Revision and Self Editing by James Scott Bell and I'm still reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. I'm almost done listening to the audio book of These Broken Stars. Oh and I read a big chunk of a cookbook if that counts!

What I'm Writing  I'm revising Slumber. I feel life flowing through my characters that wasn't there before and that is encouraging. I want to finish this round of revision/re-writing in time to continue my fairytale retelling during JuNoWriMo. 

What Inspires me Right Now Freezer cooking.  Having some meals in the freezer has taken off a layer of stress and it is wonderful. I'm hoping to keep up on it. 

What Else I've been Up To  I took my kids to the beach today. I thought we would just walk in the sand and look for shells but it was to beautiful out. We ended up jumping into the ocean in jeans and t- shirts. It was a drippy sort of walk back to the car but it was so fun!

I've been writing more and the more I write the less insecure I am. I think it's because I know I'm doing my best so even if I don't know if what I'm writing is any good at least its something. Something has so much more potential than nothing.


  1. Hi Sarah! That's a wonderful mindset to have. It took me a long time to get to that way of thinking also. :) Good luck and have fun with this month's A to Z Challenge. Although I can't participate because I have so many other commitments, I am proudly displaying my Supporter Badge on my Blog and will be hopping along throughout the month to various blogs posting all sorts of positive comments! Have a wonderful day! Lily - Eva

  2. Yeah Sarah you're so not busy that laziness went on strike to complain about your lack of laziness. Anyway, glad you and the kids had some zany beach fun. Good going on A-Z so far and you just keep writing. I want to redo a draft I started and stopped years ago named Normal for this year's Junowrimo. Right now I'm reading blogs so my book reading has actually sank, but I plan to dust off my kindle today. Oh and Elegy paperback I've been barely reading since February. Just keep reading, revising, writing, taking care of the kids and cooking. I mean...yeah I'm going to stop now and insecure onot keep writing.

    1. Its hard to keep up on blogs and books at the same time. I've read very little besides blogs since A-Z began. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Look at you, you are amazing! Keep writing, never give up the dream. You are worth it, and your kids deserve a mama who has dreams and a life in her own right outside of just being "mommy".

  4. Sarah - busy mom! Me too. LOVE the idea of freezer cooking. Yes, I have left overs, but we normally end up eating them within a day or two. Perhaps I'll start making more & throwing them in the freezer.

    It's true - the more we write, the more confident we become. That's what all my beta / critique partners say. Keep writing!!

    Terri @ Scribbler's Sojourn

    1. It is such a relief to know there is something easy in the freezer. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Taking those little moments to breath are so important. Life can get in the way of living.

    Brandon Ax: Writer's Storm

  6. Sarah, busy is as busy does. It is not surprising to me that the busiest people are always the ones who accomplish the most AND step up to take on more when someone needs the help! As to the insecurity re writing--uh, I am still struggling with that many, many books down the road. Still, I have much more confidence than I did, so I guess that's your point. Good post!

    1. Yes, that is my point exactly. Doubts still come but they aren't as strong if I'm writing. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I hear ya with the busy! It's so nice that you got to enjoy a day at the beach. I'm super jealous. We can't even see grass around here yet, still mounds and mounds of snow. Sigh.

    1. Aw, I hope that you get spring soon! I actually miss snow sometimes but I do love the beach.

  8. Something has much more potential than nothing....so TRUE! And hey, when I read "don't forget to breathe" I did stop and took a deep breath...seriously lol And thanks, I needed it ;)

  9. If we jumped into any kind of water body around here right now, we'd freeze to death. I'm glad some people are getting nice weather at least. :-) I've always kind of wanted to make up a bunch of freezer meals for those busier times, but I've never gotten around to it. I should probably give that a try sometime. That's great that you feel like your characters have more life in them now. That's always encouraging and motivates you to get working on it some more. Have a great week, Sarah!

    1. Hehe. Its cold where my family lives too. I may rub in our warmth every now and again... but I sorta miss the cold.

  10. You make a great point, Sarah. More than merely being busy every day, we need to be sure we do something that makes the day noteworthy. Even if it's something small--it's something we can go to bed thinking "I did x today, and I'm really glad I did that." :)

    Have a wonderful week!

  11. I feel your pain! There should be another five hours in the day (or someone needs to figure out how to cut out sleep without going insane.)
    Planning, prioritizing and pruning. The three P's that keep me sane. Good luck with your revisions!

    1. I wish sleep was optional! It would help soooo much. Love the three P's. So true.

  12. I love your little story about taking your kids to the beach. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend some down time. Good luck on your revisions. I hope they continue to be full of life!

    1. It was fun! I hope that they stay full of life too. Its such a great way to be.

  13. Hi, it sounds like you are keeping busy. I so identify with your business. Glad you had a "wet-drippy" fun time at the beach. ;)

    Mary-andering Creatively

    Mary-andering Among the Pages

  14. Busy, you? No. Haha, just kidding. I'm doing all three of these things today as well. Didn't realize how time consuming A to Z would be (okay, I did, but didn't really think about it). Yay on bringing new life to your characters! That's what I love about revising, it always helps to make a story better.

    And it's great that you are feeling more secure about your writing. As long as you keep at it, you can only get better. At least that's how I feel :)

    1. A-Z does take a lot of time. I had forgotten how much but it is fun and such a great way to get in the habit of sharing writing and thoughts with others.
      Thanks for visiting!

  15. I've been tempted to get into freezer cooking more. We love our slow cooker, but I never get around to planning meals way in advance. Smart idea! Your trip to the beach sounds fun, especially jumping in the water in your jeans. Those are the moments your kids will remember. Good luck revising!

    1. Its freed up time and mental space that's for sure. I hate realizing its time to eat and I'm outside or writing or whatever and have forgotten to start something.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Love it that you guys jumped in the water clothes and all. That makes you one ridiculously cool mom!

    And I haven't read Scarlet yet, just finished the first book in the series, so I'm excited to pick up the next one.

    Oh and the fact that I don't even know what freezer cooking is, shows you how much I plan my meals. "What, hummus and carrot sticks don't count as dinner?" ;)

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Hummus and carrot sticks sound like a great dinner to me! I am not naturally a "plan ahead" sort of person but it does make life easier sometimes.

  17. Busy just means you're having fun :)

  18. The perfect word to signify why it has taken me so long to get around to reading all the blogs! :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — B is for 'Believe' (and Behold the Beguiling Beauty of the Beach)
